Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Not One of US Issue #73

From John Benson, publisher of Not One of Us - Jan. 9, 2023:
As some of you have noticed, the Not One of Us website is down. In the time he can spare from his job, my son the webmaster is trying to figure out the problem, but it may take a little while.

In the meantime, I want to make it clear that we’re still operating. To submit a story or poem(s), attach the manuscript as a Word or rtf file to an email message addressed to john@not-one-of-us.pub.

If you want to purchase a single copy or subscription, the easiest way is to use PayPal. My PayPal address is wombatjb@comcast.net. Or you can send a check made out to John Benson, 12 Curtis Road, Natick, MA 01760 USA.

A single current issue of Not One of Us costs US$3.50 plus postage and handling ($1.00 for US, $1.25 for Canada, $2.50 for the rest of the world). Four-issue subscriptions are US$16.00 postpaid for the US, $17.50 for Canada, $22.50 elsewhere.


The Family Visit, by Mackenzie Hurlbert
In Memoriam (poem), by Yuliia Vereta
Sawhands, by Rob Francis
Exposure (poem), by Sonya Taaffe
The Mind of the City Is Her Own, by Alexandra Seidel
Nothing Holy About It (poem), by Kent Kruse
Little Lying Gods, by Matthew McConkey
Notes From Forever Ago (poem), by Gerri Leen
Art: John Stanton (cover); Flo and John Stanton

To subscribe or purchase a copy: